Samba Server 5.5 Antivirus Protection
Detects and disinfects viruses, spyware and other malware
Real-time protection for file storage. The application intercepts requests for access to Samba file storage areas, analyzes the files being accessed for malicious code and disinfects or deletes infected objects. Suspicious objects are quarantined pending further analysis.
On demand file system scanning. The application scans specified areas for infected and suspicious objects at the specified times (or on demand). It analyzes objects and disinfects, deletes or quarantines objects for further analysis.
Antivirus scanning optimization. The iChecker™ technology significantly reduces the time required for duplicate scans of each object by only scanning those files that have been modified since the latest scan.
Quarantine. Infected, suspicious and damaged objects detected in the file system can be moved to the quarantine folder, where they are processed according to administrator defined rules.
Backup storage. The solution saves copies of infected objects in a backup storage area before they are treated and/or deleted, making it possible to restore an object on demand in the event that disinfection fails.
Easy administration
Remote administration. Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Samba Server can be configured either traditionally via the application’s configuration file or using the Web interface.
Antivirus database updates. Antivirus database updates can be downloaded from Kaspersky Lab’s servers via the Internet or from local update servers on demand or automatically on schedule. Administrators can choose the type of antivirus databases to be used: standard (detection of true malware only) or extended (databases used to detect potentially hostile software – e.g., spyware, adware, etc.). Kaspersky Lab antivirus databases are updated hourly.
Operating Systems |
Other Requirements |
32-bit platforms:
- RedHat Linux 9.0. (kernel: 2.4.20-8)
- RedHat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4 UPD3.
(kernel: 2.6.9-34EL (amd64))
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0 SP3. (kernel: 2.6.5-7.97)
- SUSE Linux Professional 10.1. (kernel:
- Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 R2. (kernel: 2.4.27-2)
- Mandriva 2006. (kernel: 2.6.12-12mdksmp)
- FreeBSD 4.11. (kernel: GENERIC/SMP)
- FreeBSD 5.4. (kernel: GENERIC/SMP)
- FreeBSD version 6.1. (kernel: GENERIC/SMP)
64-bit platforms:
- RedHat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4 UPD3.
(kernel: 2.6.9-34EL (amd64))
- RedHat Fedora Core 5. (kernel: 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5)
- SUSE Linux Professional 10.1. (kernel:
- SUSE LES 9 SP3. (kernel: 2.6.5-7.97)
Hardware Requirements
- Intel PentiumR 133 MHz CPU or higher
- At least 64MB of RAM
- At least 100MB available HDD space for installation
The following additional software is required:
- Perl interpreter - version 5.0 or higher (www.perl.org).
- The which utility installed.
- Installed Samba server from 2.2.7 up to 3.0.0-3.0.23a.
- [optional] Webmin package (www.webmin.com) - for remote administration of Kaspersky