Kaspersky Mail Gateway is a versatile solution that provides full-scale protection
for mail system users against viruses and unsolicited emails (e.g., spam).
Kaspersky Mail Gateway can be installed on a separate server and does not require
integration into the existing mail system. The solution significantly increases
the level of protection against today’s computer threats, making it possible
to combine different vendors’ antivirus solutions on the same network.
Because it is designed to operate autonomously, the application fits neatly
into any environment and combines easily with other vendors’ programs
installed on other network nodes. Its installation and configuration do not
require extensive experience with Linux systems.
Integrated protection against viruses and spam
Antivirus scanning. The program scans for and removes all
types of viruses, and malicious and potentially hostile programs in all elements
of incoming and outgoing email messages, including attachments.
Spam filtering. The application scans mail traffic for spam
based on formal attributes and analysis of message contents and their attachments
using intelligent technologies, including special graphical signatures for detecting
spam in the form of images.
User notification. If a suspicious or infected object is detected,
the system administrator, sender and recipient of the message receive a notice,
the contents and format of which are defined by the system’s administrator.
If a message is categorized as spam, it can be blocked, sent to a quarantine
folder or delivered to the recipient with a special tag in the subject field.
Quarantine. Infected and suspicious objects and messages identified
as spam can be moved to a quarantine folder, where the administrator can view
or delete them, or forward them to the end user.
Additional message filtering
By attachment type. The application can be configured to filter
mail traffic by attachment name and file type, helping to immediately identify
objects that are likely to contain viruses.
By user group. The administrator can define separate message
processing rules for each group of mail system users by defining limitations
in accordance with the security policy and employee needs.
Protection of the server against unauthorized access
The application can be configured to prevent DoS attacks and third party attempts
to use the server for launching unauthorized mass mailings. In some cases, this
helps reduce the server load and increase the processing speed of mail traffic.
Flexible management and administration
Remote administration. Kaspersky Mail Gateway can be managed
remotely using a web interface, as well as traditionally, using the configuration
Configuration and optimization of the application. Depending
upon mail traffic volume and the stringency of the company’s security
policy, the administrator can change the application’s operating parameters,
from maximum system performance to maximum user protection. The administrator
can also configure various timeouts for sending and/or receiving messages, manage
the application’s queue and limit the number of objects that can be scanned
simultaneously in the background mode.
Configuration of updates. The antivirus database can be updated
on demand or automatically according to a predefined schedule from Kaspersky
Lab servers on the Internet or from local servers specified by the system administrator.
Some modules of the antivirus engine and the linguistic analyzer can be updated,
as well.
Graphical reports. The program includes the capability of
viewing virus activity for a given period of time in graphical form. Information
regarding the types of viruses detected during antivirus scans can also be viewed.
In addition, the administrator can receive detailed information on the program’s
status and operation by using a broad range of reports with the desired level
of detail.
System requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
This program is compatible
with the following operating systems:
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4
- Red Hat Linux 9
- Fedora Core 4
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0 (SP3)
- SuSE Linux Professional 10.0
- Debian GNU/Linux 3.1r1
- FreeBSD 4.11, 5.4, 6.0
- Mandriva 2006
The following additional software is required:
- Interpreter of the Perl language version 5.0 or higher (www.perl.org),
the which utility – for installing the application.
- Webmin version 1.070 or higher (www.webmin.com) to install the remote
administration module (optional)
- Intel Pentium class CPU (Pentium III or Pentium IV recommended)
- At least 256MB of RAM
- At least 100MB available HDD space for installation
- At least 500MB available in the /tmp file system.