Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Linux File Server is a two-part solution designed to protect file servers. The first module, the on access protection, is integrated with the operating system and checks file modified files (either new or amended files), thereby ensuring real-time protection of the system without significantly increasing server load. The second module, the on demand scanner, scans the file system, removable media devices and individual files either on schedule or on demand.
Detects and disinfects viruses, spyware and other malware
Real-time protection of the system. The application intercepts file system requests, scans the files being accessed for malicious code and cures or deletes infected objects or isolates suspicious objects for further analysis.
On demand file system scanning. The application scans specified areas for infected and suspicious objects at the time specified (or upon the administrator’s command). It analyzes objects and disinfects, deletes or isolates objects for further analysis.
Quarantine. Infected, suspicious and damaged objects detected in the server’s file system can be moved to the quarantine folder, where they may undergo further actions, such as disinfection, deletion, etc.
Backup storage. The solution incorporates support for saving copies of infected objects in a backup storage area before they are treated and/or deleted, making it possible to restore them on demand if treatment results in damage to the original file.
Easy administration
Remote administration. Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Linux File Server and Workstation can be configured either traditionally, via the application’s configuration file, or using the web interface.
Fine tuning. Using security policies and tasks, the administrator can configure the application’s operating parameters for individual workstations united into groups, receive event notifications, install license keys, etc.
Notification system. Upon detection of a virus or other events, the administrator receives an alert, a copy of which can also be sent by email.
Reports. The administrator can make use a broad range of reports providing the desired level of detail on the status of antivirus protection and the program’s operation during specified periods of time.
Automatic database updating. Threat signature databases can be updated on demand or automatically on schedule from Kaspersky Lab’s Internet servers or from local update servers.
System requirements
Operating System
Hardware requirements
32-Bit Platforms:
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.2 Desktop (kernel 2.6.18-92)
- Red Hat Fedora 9 (kernel 2.6.25)
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 SP2 (kernel
- openSUSE Linux 11.0 (kernel 2.6.25)
- Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 r4 (kernel 2.6.24)
- Mandriva Corporate Desktop 4 (kernel 2.6.12)
- Ubunta 8.04.1 Desktop Edition (kernel 2.6.25)
- Intel Pentium 133 MHz or higher
- 64MB of RAM
- 100MB available HDD space for installation of the application and storage of temporary files
64-Bit Platforms:
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.2 Desktop (kernel 2.6.18-92)
- Red Hat Fedora 9 (kernel 2.6.25)
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 SP2 (kernel
- openSUSE Linux 11.0 (kernel 2.6.25)
- Intel Pentium 133 MHz or higher
- 64MB of RAM
- 100MB available HDD space for installation of the application and storage of temporary files
- Perl interpreter - version 5.0 or higher (www.perl.org).
- The which utility installed
- Software compilation packages installed (gcc, binutils, glibc-devel, make, ld) and preinstalled operating system kernel code for the kavmonitor component.