Kaspersky® Anti-Virus for Novell NetWare was expressly developed to provide
antivirus protection for file servers running under the Novell NetWare operating
Reliable Antivirus Protection
Real-time protection. The application provides real-time protection
from malicious programs, scanning files for viruses and treating or deleting
infected objects as necessary.
On demand scanning. Antivirus scanning of the server’s
file system can be carried out on a schedule or on demand.
Backup copies. Before objects are treated or deleted, backup
copies can be saved, so that administrators can later use information from them
for future investigation.
Quarantine for dangerous objects. Any dangerous or potentially
dangerous objects detected by the application can be stored in the quarantine
Flexible Administration
Centralized and remote administration. The application integrates
seamlessly with the Novell Directory Service (NDS), which means that the program
can be administered via ConsoleOne and the web management interface. This allows
system administrators to remotely install and configure the basic settings for
the application on several servers at once using Kaspersky Administration Kit.
Event notifications. Administrators can receive notifications
of results from antivirus scanning, as well as warnings when malicious objects
are detected, over the Novell NetWare network or via email.
Event log. The application compiles detailed reports using
the results from on demand antivirus scanning, real-time protection and antivirus
database updates.
Automatic database updates. Antivirus database updates can
be made automatically (on schedule) or on demand. If there is an error in a
file download, then the program automatically chooses an alternative Kaspersky
Lab update server.
Update management. Once antivirus database updates have been
received, they can be distributed to other servers on the network. Backup copies
of update files are created, so that the database can be rolled-back to a previous
version (if, for example, data is damaged during download).
Optimized Performance
Load management. The application allows the administrator
to control the program’s use of the server’s central processing
unit, which directly affects program performance.
Multi-thread virus scanning. Multi-thread scanning helps increase
overall performance, since it enables processing of requests from a number of
workstations simultaneously. The speed and scope of scanning are only limited
by the hardware capabilities of the server.
Multi-processor support. In order to increase antivirus performance
in a multi-processor environment, the application allows administrators to launch
several antivirus engine processes simultaneously, taking advantage of distributed
data processing.
Load management. The application allows the administrator
to control the program’s use of the server’s central processing
unit, which directly affects program performance.
High Reliability. The new generation solution for Kaspersky
Anti-Virus for Novell NetWare launches the antivirus engine in a protected address
space. Such an approach increases application reliability since application
programs and the file server are not affected in the event of any malfunctions
during file scanning.
System Requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
- Operating system: Novell NetWare 5.x, 6.0, 6.5
- Novell Client installed on the administrator’s workstation
- The relevant Support Pack for:
- Novell NetWare 5.x – Support Pack 6 or higher
- Novell Netware 6.0 – Support Pack 3 or higher
- Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher (for viewing log
entries and the web management interface)
- Installed Apache Web Server and a Tomcat servlet container (for
installing and using the web management interface).
- All servers and workstations used for management purposes should
support the TCP/IP protocol
- Intel Pentium processor or higher
- At least 12 MB of RAM available
- At least 8 MB HDD space on the server