Personal Products
Kaspersky Lab products for home users are available:
Buy online
In buying on-line, you are purchasing an electronic version of the product.
The activation code/license key will be sent to you via email. You can download the full program and documentation from here.
Buy from a partner
Our extensive network of partners and resellers means that you are sure to find a partner or reseller location conveniently close to you.
For Small and Medium Businesses
Products specially designed to meet the needs of small and medium businesses are available:
Buy online
Buying on-line (from our e-store) is highly convenient: you can download and install the products of your choice at any time, day or night.
Buy from a partner
Buying from a partner gives you the opportunity to not only discuss your requirements, but to access addtional services for installation, configuration, and technical support.
Please contact a partner or reseller to discuss your needs.
Corporate Solutions
In choosing Kaspersky Lab solutions for your enterprise, you are not simply purchasing a product, but also the opportunity to leverage our years of expertise to secure your data. Please send us an email and one of our staff will contact you to discuss your requirements.
Alternatively, you can contact a partner or reseller in your locality.